Saturday, August 05, 2006

i've just received some old pics from Karla, Gosia's friend from hastings. cool ones, have a look:
after the titanic scene the owner of the "ship cemetery" came and "kindly" asked us to leave. private property is really meant to be private in England. anyway, we had another affair in Kent when we had a rest on a nice slope with stunning view that turned out to be private, but its another story... :) (F****RS)

I almost forgot that we went to Ealing where an annual jazz festival takes place. it was nice, though we weren't tuned on the "tunes" they were playing. not bad, but not that good either. i got some pics though:
we'll probably remember the food we had there (rather than the music), moroccan foooood, yummie, n crepes with ham n cheese. lovely.

i'm pissed off with my boss, actually with Gosia's boss. i'll work for him only one more day, so i don't really care about what is going on with him, but this morning he just texted Gosia that she'll work half as much as she was supposed to from Monday on. WANKER!!

nahh, remelem nagyjabol ertitek amit fentebb irok. hastingsbol megkaptuk karla kepeit, amit ugyebar nagyon vartunk, mert csinalt rolunk par fotot... cim fent, amugy az osszes eddig feltoltott kep megtalalhato azon a cimen, amit mar parszor megadtam. (lasd lejjebb).

hetfon fogok utoljara dolgozni johnnak, egyebkent eleg volt ebbol a melobol, erdekes volt, de ennyi pont eleg... Gosiaval meg jol kib***ott, ma reggel (szombaton) csak irt egy sms-t, hogy hetfotol csak feleannyit fog dolgozni, termeszetesen fele annyi penzert.

a lakas rendben van, ahol most lakunk. ontozunk ezerrel. ime munkank gyumolcse. ooo, viraga... (Sarah's plants: nice, ehh?)

ma nemtom mit fogunk csinalni, holnap asszem hamstedbe fogunk elbicajozni, meg regent's parkba, van ott vmi fesztival.

kiskutyam, my little dog:

na ciao


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